This Draft for Development is the official English language version ofENV 13670-1:2000. It results from a programme of work undertaken by CEN tomake available a common set of standards for execution of concrete structures.This publication is not to be regarded as a British Standard.It is being issued in the Draft for Development series of publications and is of aprovisional nature. It should be applied on this provisional basis, so that informationand experience of its practical application mat be obtained.Comments arising from the use of this Draft for Development are requested so thatUK experience can be reported to the European organization responsible for itsconversion into a European Standard. A review of this publication will be initiated2 years after its publication by the European organization so that a decision can betaken on its status at the end of its three-year life. The commencement of the reviewperiod will be notified by an announcement in Update Standards.According to the replies received by the end of the review period, the responsibleBSI Committee will decide whether to support the conversion into a EuropeanStandard, to extend the life of the prestandard or to withdraw it. Comments shouldbe sent in writing to the Secretary of BSI Subcommittee B/525/2, Structural use ofconcrete, at 389 Chiswick High Road, London. W4 4AL, giving the documentreference and clause number and proposing, where possible, an appropriaterevision of the text.A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request toits secretary.Cross-referencesThe British Standards which implement international or European publicationsreferred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under thesection entitled ªInternational Standards Correspondence Indexº, or by using theªFindº facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue.
3 Foreword This fourth edition of the National Structural Concrete Specification (NSCS) has been completely reviewed and revised to encompass the requirements of the Eurocodes and BS EN 13670: 2009, Execution of concrete structures. It provides a BS EN compliant specification for use in structural concrete building construction designed to the Eurocodes. The adoption in the UK for the first time of a workmanship or execution standard in place of the workmanship requirements forming part of a design standard has necessitated some changes to the structure of this document and terminology, but this edition of the NSCS still has the same objective, that is to provide a definitive, simple and straightforward specification without unnecessary constraints. The section on execution management follows the introduction of this term in BS EN and the numbering of the specification sections follows that of the standard. BS EN requires the use of an execution specification, consisting of documents and drawings to communicate additional and project-specific construction requirements between Client, Designer and Constructor. The NSCS for Building Construction forms part of the Execution Specification, called for in BS EN 13670: 2009, and has been designated by its National Annex as Non-Contradictory Complementary Information. The tolerance requirements of BS EN have been drawn up solely to assure structural safety of the building structure for a Eurocode design and are therefore not always sufficient to ensure reasonable construction coordination with following trades. The NSCS tolerances provide additional requirements aimed at coordination for normal circumstances and confirm the responsibility of different parties for ensuring the issues are carefully considered, where required, to suit the details of a particular project. The NSCS contains three documents: the NSCS Standard Specification and NSCS Project Specification (which together form the BS EN Project Specification) and NSCS Guidance. The latter provides informative guidance for interpretation and usage of both Specifications. Clauses in BS EN have been repeated at times for clarity. The NSCS Standard Specification gives standards and technical data for use in the UK. The interrelationship of this Specification with BS EN and the contract documents is illustrated in Figure A. The NSCS Guidance to execution management describes how NSCS Standard Specification, a completed NSCS Project Specification, the drawings and other documents taken together provide all the information required to be included in the Execution Specification of BS EN The functions of each part are summarised below. The NSCS Standard Specification provides a base Specifi cation with standard clauses on execution, materials and construction for the production of consistent and well-constructed reinforced concrete building structures. The NSCS Project Specification provides the information and requirements specific to the project. It records, by exception, any amendments to the Standard Specification considered necessary by the designer and is the part of the Specification where information is provided by the tenderer. This enables tender documents or the contract for construction to consist of a Project Specification only, because it refers explicitly to the Standard Specification as its base document. To aid the task of preparing a Project Specification, permission is hereby expressly given for users of this document to copy the whole of Project Specification without infringement of copyright. A data disc, or download, is available from CONSTRUCT to enable easy electronic completion and distribution of the Project Specification. To aid the task the NSCS Project Specification has prompts to encourage specifications requiring best practice in sustainable i
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10 NSCS Standard Specification Section 2 Bibliography 2.1 Standards BS 4449: 2005 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete Weldable reinforcing steel Bar, coil and decoiled product Specification. BS 4483: 2005 BS 4486: 1980 BS 5896: 1980 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete Specification. Specification for hot rolled and hot rolled and processed high tensile alloy steel bars for the prestressing of concrete. Specification for high tensile steel wire and strand for the prestressing of concrete. BS 5975: 2008 Code of practice for temporary works procedures and the permissible stress design of falsework (incorporating corrigendum No. 1). BS : 2001 Spacers and chairs for steel reinforcement and their specification Product performance requirements. BS 8102: 2009 Code of practice for protection of structures against water from the ground. BS : 2006 Concrete Complementary British Standard to BS EN Part 1: Method of specifying and guidance for the specifier. BS : 2006 Concrete Complementary British Standard to BS EN Part 2: Specification for constituent materials and concrete. BS 8666: 2005 Scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete Specification (incorporating amendment No. 1). BS EN 197-1: 2000 Cement Compositions, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements. BS EN 206-1: 2000 Concrete Specification, performance, production and conformity. BS EN 287-1: 2004 Qualification test of welders Fusion welding Steels (AMD Corrigendum 15578) (AMD 16275) (AMD Corrigendum 16831). BS EN 446: 2007 Grout for prestressing tendons Grouting procedures. BS EN 447: 2007 Grout for prestressing tendons Basic requirements. BS EN : 2001 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials Arc welding of ferritic steels (AMD 14926). BS EN : 2008 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures Technical requirements for the execution of steel structures. BS EN 1990: 2002 Eurocode Basis of structural design. BS EN 1991 Eurocode 1 Actions on structures (10 parts). BSI, BS EN 1992 Eurocode 2 Design of concrete structures (3 parts). BSI, BS EN 12350: 2009 Testing fresh concrete (7 parts). BS EN 12390: 2009 Testing hardened concrete (8 parts). BS EN 12812: 2004 Falsework Performance requirements and general design. BS EN 13139: 2002 Aggregates for mortar. BS EN 13369: 2004 Common rules for precast concrete products. BS EN 13391: 2004 Mechanical tests for post-tensioning systems. BS EN 13670: 2009 Execution of concrete structures, and National Annex to BS EN BS EN ISO 4157: 1999 Construction drawings Designation systems (3 parts). BS EN ISO 9000: 2005 Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary. BS EN ISO 9001: 2008 Quality management systems Requirements (incorporating corrigendum July 2007). 2 NSCS Standard
11 3: Definitions BS EN ISO 14001: 2004 BS EN ISO BS EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Environmental management systems Requirements with guidance for use. Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials Welding procedure test. (13 parts). BSI, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (AMD corrigendum 16767). Occupational health and safety management systems. 2.2 General BAMFORTH, P. B. Early-age thermal crack control in concrete, C660. CIRIA, CARES and European Technical Approvals: CARES Post-tensioning systems, Part 2 The supply and/or installation of post-tensioning systems. November CARES Post-tensioning systems, Part 9 CARES Registration scheme for post- tensioning operatives. November CARES Steel for reinforced concrete, Appendix 6 Quality and operations assessment schedule for the tack welding of reinforcing steel. January CARES Steel for reinforced concrete, Appendix 10 Quality and operations assessment schedule for pre-assembled welded fabrications using welded semi-structural and/or structural joints. January EOTA. ETAG 013 Guideline for European Technical Approval of post-tensioning kits for prestressing of structures. Brussels, EOTA, fi b. Corrugated plastic ducts for internal bonded post-tensioning, fi b Bulletin 7. fi b, HARRISON, T. A. Formwork striking times criteria, prediction and method of assessment, R136. CIRIA, ICE. ICE Specification for piling and embedded retaining walls, 2nd edition. Thomas Telford, INSTITUTION OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS. Standard method of detailing structural concrete. A manual for best practice, 3rd edition. IStructE, PALLET, P F. Guide to flat slab falsework and formwork, CS140. The Concrete Society, on behalf of CONSTRUCT, THE CONCRETE SOCIETY. Formwork A guide to good practice, CS030, 2nd edition. The Concrete Society, THE CONCRETE SOCIETY. Post-tensioned concrete floors Design handbook, TR43, 2nd edition. The Concrete Society, Section 3 Definitions The following defi nitions, in addition to those given in BS EN 13670: 2009, apply for the purpose of this Specifi cation. 3.1 Agreement, acceptance When by or of the CA, agreement or acceptance shall have the following limitations Samples When given in respect of samples of materials, execution or proposals for methods of construction submitted in accordance with this Specifi cation, shall not be interpreted as denoting any degree of satisfaction with the materials used in, or the execution of the Works. NSCS Standard 3