It is well known, that sounds are an extremely important part of any game. For this reason, we added many audio clips to our template to finish the realistic Jeopardy! experience. However, if you have specific sounds or music you want to use for your game play, it is easy to import them to our template. As said before, sounds can get added through the transition menu. If there's no audio symbol on the slide, you can find and change our music or sound file this way. Nevertheless, you might have already discovered the little loudspeaker symbol in the left, upper corner of some PPT slides. This is the second option to add audio to any presentation.
We have also included a voice-over which reads out loud the categories. If you change the topics and still want the voice, use a website like Text-to-MP3, which makes it possible to convert input text into MP3- files. Choose your favourite voice (different nationalities available as well as women or men voices!) and press the "Download as MP3" button. Now you can import that MP3- file to your presentation like any other audio clip.
Funny Gujrati Audio Clip Download