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Master Unity 2D Dungeon Gunner Roguelike Development with this Free Course



A roguelike game is a subgenre of role-playing video games characterized by procedurally generated levels, turn-based gameplay, grid-based movement, and permanent death of the player character. The name comes from Rogue, an ASCII-based dungeon crawler released in 1980 that inspired many other games with similar features. Roguelike games are popular among gamers who enjoy challenging and replayable experiences that test their skills and strategies.

unity 2d dungeon gunner roguelike development course free download

In this article, I will show you how to download a free course that teaches you how to create a 2D dungeon gunner roguelike game using Unity, one of the most widely used game engines in the industry. You will learn how to use Unity's tools and features to design and develop a sophisticated game from scratch. You will also get some tips and best practices for Unity 2D game development along the way.

What you will learn in this course

The course is called and it is published by Udemy, an online learning platform that offers thousands of courses on various topics. The course is taught by Sunny Valley Studio, a professional game developer with over 10 years of experience in the industry.

The course consists of over 50 hours of video lectures, quizzes, assignments, and projects that cover all aspects of creating a 2D dungeon gunner roguelike game using Unity. By the end of the course, you will be able to:

Unity 2D Roguelike Dungeon Shooter game design tutorial

How to create a 2D gunner roguelike game with Unity and C#

Unity 2D Dungeon Gunner Roguelike Development Course Udemy

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Build a 2D Roguelike Dungeon Shooter game with Unity and C#

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What you'll learn in Unity 2D Dungeon Gunner Roguelike Development Course

Who this course is for: Unity 2D Dungeon Gunner Roguelike Development Course

How to enroll in Unity 2D Dungeon Gunner Roguelike Development Course

How to get a certificate of completion for Unity 2D Dungeon Gunner Roguelike Development Course

How to get a refund for Unity 2D Dungeon Gunner Roguelike Development Course

  • Create a procedurally generated dungeon layout using Random Walk and Binary Space Partitioning algorithms

  • Add details and decorations to your dungeon using tilemaps and sprites

  • Create a player character with sprite renderer, collider, rigidbody, movement, and shooting mechanics

  • Create different types of enemies and projectiles with prefabs and scripts

  • Implement health and damage systems with colliders, triggers, variables, UI elements, sound effects, and particle effects

  • Optimize your game performance with profiling tools and best practices

  • Test your game on different platforms and devices with build settings and simulator features

The course is suitable for beginners who have some basic knowledge of Unity and C#. You will also get access to all the assets and source code used in the course, as well as a certificate of completion upon finishing the course.

How to download the course for free


To follow the course, you will need the following software and hardware:

  • A computer with Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system

  • Unity 2020.3 or later version installed on your computer

  • A code editor of your choice, such as Visual Studio Code or MonoDevelop

  • A stable internet connection to stream the video lectures and download the assets

  • A mouse and keyboard to interact with Unity and your code editor


To download the course for free, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the on Udemy and click on the "Enroll now" button.

  • If you don't have an Udemy account, you will need to create one by entering your name, email, and password. If you already have an account, you can log in with your credentials.

  • Once you enroll in the course, you will be able to access all the content from your dashboard. You can watch the video lectures, take the quizzes, do the assignments, and download the assets at your own pace.

  • You can also download the video lectures for offline viewing by clicking on the "Download lecture" button below each video.

How to create a 2D dungeon in Unity

Setting up the project

The first step in creating a 2D dungeon gunner roguelike game is to set up a new 2D project in Unity. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Open Unity Hub and click on the "New" button.

  • Select "2D" as the template and give your project a name, such as "DungeonGunner". You can also choose a location for your project folder on your computer.

  • Click on "Create" and wait for Unity to create and open your project.

  • In the Project window, right-click on the Assets folder and select "Import Package > Custom Package". Then, browse to the location where you downloaded the assets from the course and select the "DungeonGunnerAssets.unitypackage" file. Click on "Import" and wait for Unity to import all the assets into your project.

  • In the Hierarchy window, delete the default Main Camera and Directional Light GameObjects. Then, drag and drop the DungeonGunnerScene.unity file from the Assets folder into the Hierarchy window. This will load a pre-made scene with some basic settings and GameObjects for your game.

Generating the dungeon layout

The next step is to generate a random dungeon layout using procedural generation algorithms. Procedural generation is a technique that uses mathematical rules and randomness to create content that is different every time. In this case, we will use two algorithms: Random Walk and Binary Space Partitioning (BSP).

Random Walk is an algorithm that simulates a random path through a grid of cells. It starts from a random cell and moves in one of four directions (up, down, left, or right) until it reaches a boundary or a previously visited cell. It then changes direction randomly and repeats the process until it reaches a certain number of steps or cells. The result is a series of connected cells that form a corridor.

BSP is an algorithm that divides a rectangular area into smaller sub-areas recursively. It starts from the whole area and splits it into two halves along a random horizontal or vertical line. It then repeats the process for each half until it reaches a certain minimum size or depth. The result is a tree-like structure of sub-areas that form rooms.

To generate a dungeon layout using these algorithms, we will use a script called DungeonGenerator.cs that is attached to an empty GameObject called DungeonGenerator in our scene. This script has several public variables that we can adjust to customize our dungeon generation parameters, such as:

  • gridWidth and gridHeight: The width and height of our grid of cells in units.

  • cellSize: The size of each cell in units.

  • walkIterations: The number of times we apply the Random Walk algorithm to our grid.

  • walkLength: The maximum number of steps or cells that each Random Walk can take.

  • minRoomSize and maxRoomSize: The minimum and maximum size of each room in units.

  • minRoomDepth and maxRoomDepth: The minimum and maximum depth of the BSP tree.

To generate a dungeon layout, we need to do the following steps:

  • Initialize an empty grid of cells with the given width and height.

  • Apply the Random Walk algorithm to the grid with the given iterations and length. Mark the cells that are visited by the Random Walk as corridor cells.

  • Apply the BSP algorithm to the grid with the given room size and depth. Mark the cells that are inside the sub-areas as room cells.

  • Connect the rooms and corridors with doors. Mark the cells that are adjacent to both room and corridor cells as door cells.

  • Instantiate GameObjects for each cell type (floor, wall, door) according to their position and size in the grid.

The DungeonGenerator script has a public method called GenerateDungeon() that performs these steps and creates a dungeon layout in our scene. We can call this method from another script or from the editor by clicking on the "Generate Dungeon" button in the inspector.

Adding details and decorations

The next step is to add some details and decorations to our dungeon to make it more appealing and realistic. We will use tilemaps and sprites to achieve this effect. Tilemaps are a feature of Unity that allow us to create 2D levels using tiles, which are small images that fit together like a puzzle. Sprites are 2D graphics that can be used as characters, objects, or backgrounds in our game.

To add details and decorations to our dungeon, we will use two scripts: DungeonDecorator.cs and DungeonSpawner.cs. These scripts are attached to two empty GameObjects called DungeonDecorator and DungeonSpawner in our scene. These scripts have several public variables that we can adjust to customize our dungeon decoration parameters, such as:

  • wallTilemap, floorTilemap, doorTilemap: The tilemaps that we use to paint our walls, floors, and doors.

  • wallTile, floorTile, doorTile: The tiles that we use to paint our walls, floors, and doors.

  • decorationTilemap: The tilemap that we use to paint our decorations, such as torches, barrels, chests, etc.

  • decorationTiles: The tiles that we use to paint our decorations.

  • decorationChance: The chance of spawning a decoration on each floor cell.

  • enemyPrefab, itemPrefab: The prefabs that we use to spawn our enemies and items, such as skeletons, potions, coins, etc.

  • enemyChance, itemChance: The chance of spawning an enemy or an item on each floor cell.

To add details and decorations to our dungeon, we need to do the following steps:

  • Iterate through all the cells in our grid and check their type (floor, wall, door).

  • If the cell is a floor cell, paint it with a floor tile on the floor tilemap. Then, randomly decide whether to spawn a decoration, an enemy, or an item on that cell using their respective chances. If so, paint a decoration tile on the decoration tilemap or instantiate an enemy or item prefab on that cell.

  • If the cell is a wall cell, paint it with a wall tile on the wall tilemap. Then, check if the cell has any adjacent floor cells. If so, rotate the wall tile accordingly to match the orientation of the floor cells.

  • If the cell is a door cell, paint it with a door tile on the door tilemap. Then, check if the cell has any adjacent horizontal or vertical corridor cells. If so, rotate the door tile accordingly to match the orientation of the corridor cells.

The DungeonDecorator script has a public method called DecorateDungeon() that performs these steps and adds details and decorations to our dungeon. We can call this method from another script or from the editor by clicking on the "Decorate Dungeon" button in the inspector.

How to add gunner mechanics in Unity

Creating the player character

The next step is to create a player character with gunner mechanics. We will use a sprite to represent our player and add some components and scripts to make it move and shoot. To create a player character, we need to do the following steps:

  • In the Project window, go to the Assets > Sprites folder and find the Player.png file. This is a sprite image that shows our player holding a gun.

  • Drag and drop the Player.png file into the Hierarchy window. This will create a new GameObject called Player with a Sprite Renderer component attached to it.

  • In the Inspector window, adjust the Transform component of the Player GameObject. Set the Position to (0, 0, 0), the Rotation to (0, 0, 0), and the Scale to (1, 1, 1).

  • In the Project window, go to the Assets > Scripts folder and find the PlayerController.cs file. This is a script that controls the movement and shooting of our player.

  • Drag and drop the PlayerController.cs file onto the Player GameObject in the Hierarchy window. This will add a Player Controller component to it.

  • In the Inspector window, click on the "Add Component" button and search for "Box Collider 2D". Add a Box Collider 2D component to the Player GameObject. This will add a rectangular collider around our player that will detect collisions with other GameObjects.

  • In the Inspector window, click on the "Add Component" button and search for "Rigidbody 2D". Add a Rigidbody 2D component to the Player GameObject. This will add a physics component that will allow our player to move and interact with other physics objects.

  • In the Inspector window, adjust the Rigidbody 2D component of the Player GameObject. Set the Body Type to "Dynamic", the Gravity Scale to "0", and the Freeze Rotation Z to "true". This will prevent our player from falling or rotating due to gravity.

Implementing movement and shooting

The next step is to implement movement and shooting mechanics for our player. We will use input, physics, and raycasting to achieve this effect. Input is a feature of Unity that allows us to get user input from various sources, such as keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc. Physics is a feature of Unity that allows us to simulate realistic physical interactions between objects, such as forces, collisions, gravity, etc. Raycasting is a technique that allows us to cast rays from a point in a direction and check if they hit any colliders along their path.

To implement movement and shooting mechanics for our player, we will use the PlayerController script that we attached to our player GameObject. This script has several public variables that we can adjust to customize our movement and shooting parameters, such as:

  • moveSpeed: The speed of our player's movement in units per second.

  • shootDelay: The delay between each shot in seconds.

  • bulletPrefab: The prefab that we use to instantiate our bullets.

  • bulletSpeed: The speed of our bullets in units per second.

  • bulletDamage: The damage of our bullets in points.

To implement movement and shooting mechanics for our player, we need to do the following steps:

  • In the Update() method of our script, get the horizontal and vertical input axes using Input.GetAxis(). These are values between -1 and 1 that represent the direction and magnitude of our input.

  • Create a new Vector2 variable called moveDirection and assign it the value of (horizontalInput, verticalInput). This is a vector that represents the direction and magnitude of our movement.

  • Normalize the moveDirection vector using moveDirection.Normalize(). This will make the vector have a length of 1, which means it will only represent the direction and not the magnitude of our movement.

  • Multiply the moveDirection vector by the moveSpeed variable and by Time.deltaTime. This will make the vector represent the distance and direction that we want to move in one frame, taking into account our speed and the frame rate.

  • Add the resulting vector to the position of our rigidbody using rigidbody.position += moveDirection. This will move our player according to our input and speed.

  • Get the mouse position in world coordinates using Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition). This is a vector that represents the position of our mouse cursor in the same space as our player.

  • Subtract the position of our player from the mouse position and assign it to a new Vector2 variable called aimDirection. This is a vector that represents the direction from our player to our mouse cursor.

  • Normalize the aimDirection vector using aimDirection.Normalize(). This will make the vector have a length of 1, which means it will only represent the direction and not the magnitude of our aiming.

  • Get the angle between the aimDirection vector and the positive x-axis using Mathf.Atan2(aimDirection.y, aimDirection.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg. This is a value in degrees that represents the rotation of our player relative to the horizontal axis.

  • Set the rotation of our rigidbody to a new Quaternion variable created with Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle). This will rotate our player according to our aiming.

  • Create a new float variable called shootTimer and initialize it to 0. This is a variable that will keep track of the time since our last shot.

  • Increase the shootTimer by Time.deltaTime in each frame. This will make the shootTimer represent the elapsed time since our last shot.

  • Check if the shootTimer is greater than or equal to shootDelay and if the left mouse button is pressed using Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0). This means that we are ready to shoot and we have pressed the shoot button.

  • If so, reset the shootTimer to 0. This will make us ready to shoot again after shootDelay seconds.

  • Instantiate a new GameObject using Instantiate(bulletPrefab, rigidbody.position, Quaternion.identity) and assign it to a new Rigidbody2D variable called bullet. This will create a new bullet GameObject at our player's position with no rotation and get its Rigidbody2D component.

  • Multiply the aimDirection vector by the bulletSpeed variable and assign it to the velocity of the bullet. This will make the bullet move in the same direction as our aiming with a constant speed.

  • Add a script called BulletController.cs to the bullet GameObject. This script will handle the behavior of our bullet, such as collision detection, damage dealing, and destruction.

Adding enemies and projectiles

The next step is to add some enemies and projectiles to our dungeon. We will use prefabs and scripts to create different types of enemies and bullets that can interact with our player and each other. To add enemies and projectiles to our dungeon, we need to do the following steps:

  • In the Project window, go to the Assets > Prefabs folder and find the Enemy.png and Projectile.png files. These are sprite images that show different types of enemies and bullets.

  • Drag and drop the Enemy.png file into the Hierarchy window. This will create a new GameObject called Enemy with a Sprite Renderer component attached to it.

  • In the Inspector window, adjust the Transform component of the Enemy GameObject. Set the Position to (0, 0, 0), the Rotation to (0, 0, 0), and the Scale to (1, 1, 1).

  • In the Inspector window, click on the "Add Component" button and search for "Box Collider 2D". Add a Box Collider 2D component to the Enemy GameObject. This will add a rectangular collider around our enemy that will detect collisions with other GameObjects.

  • In the Inspector window, click on the "Add Component" button and search for "Rigidbody 2D". Add a Rigidbody 2D component to the Enemy GameObject. This will add a physics component that will allow our enemy to move and interact with other physics objects.

  • In the Inspector window, adjust the Rigidbody 2D component of the Enemy GameObject. Set the Body Type to "Kinematic", the Gravity Scale to "0", and the Freeze Rotation Z to "true". This will prevent our enemy from falling or rotating due to gravity.

  • In the Project window, go to the Assets > Scripts folder and find the EnemyController.cs file. This is a script that controls the behavior of our enemy, such as movement, shooting, health, and damage.

  • Drag and drop the EnemyController.cs file onto the Enemy GameObject in the Hierarchy window. This will add an Enemy Controller component to it.

  • In the Inspector window, adjust the Enemy Controller component of the Enemy GameObject. Set the moveSpeed, shootDelay, bulletPrefab, bulletSpeed, bulletDamage, health, and damage variables according to your preference. These are variables that control various aspects of our enemy's behavior.

  • In the Hierarchy window, right-click on the Enemy GameObject and select "Create Empty". This will create a new empty GameObject as a child of our enemy. Rename it to "GunPoint".

  • In the Inspector window, adjust the Transform component of the GunPoint GameObject. Set its Position relative to its parent (the enemy) according to where you want your enemy to shoot from. For example, if you want your enemy to shoot from its right side, set its Position X to 0.5 and its Position Y to 0.

  • In the Hierarchy window, drag and drop the Enemy GameObject into the Assets > Prefabs folder. This will create a new prefab called Enemy that represents our enemy GameObject and its child GunPoint GameObject.

  • Repeat the same steps for the Projectile.png file to create a new prefab called Projectile that represents our bullet GameObject.

  • In the Hierarchy window, delete the Enemy and Projectile GameObjects. We will use the prefabs to spawn them later.

  • In the Project window, go to the Assets > Scripts folder and find the DungeonSpawner.cs file. This is a script that spawns our enemies and projectiles in our dungeon according to our parameters.

  • Drag and drop the DungeonSpawner.cs file onto the DungeonSpawner GameObject in the Hierarchy window. This will add a Dungeon Spawner component to it.

  • In the Inspector window, adjust the Dungeon Spawner component of the DungeonSpawner GameObject. Set the enemyPrefab, enemyChance, projectilePrefab, and projectileChance variables according to your preference. These are variables that control how many and how often our enemies and projectiles are spawned in our dungeon.

Implementing health and damage systems

The next step is to implement health and damage systems for our player, enemies, and projectiles. We will use colliders, triggers, and variables to handle collisions and health changes. To implement health and damage systems, we need to do the following steps:

  • In the Project window, go to the Assets > Scripts folder and find the HealthController.cs file. This is a script that controls the health of our player and enemies.

  • Drag and drop the HealthController.cs file onto the Player GameObject in the Hierarchy window. This will add a Health Controller component to it.

  • In the Inspector window, adjust the Health Controller component of the Player GameObject. Set the maxHealth variable to the maximum health of our player. This is a variable that represents how much health our player can have at most.

  • Create a new UI Text GameObject by right-clicking on the Canvas GameObject in the Hierarchy window and selecting UI > Text. This will create a new text element that will display our player's health on the screen.

  • In the Inspector window, adjust the Text component of the UI Text GameObject. Set the Text to "Health: " + maxHealth, the Font Size to 24, and the Color to white. You can also adjust the Rect Transform component to position and resize the text element as you like.

  • Drag and drop the UI Text GameObject onto the Health Controller component of the Player GameObject. This will assign the text element to the healthText variable of the script. This is a variable that represents the UI element that displays our player's health.

  • Repeat the same steps for the Enemy GameObject and its Health Controller component. You can use a different color for the enemy's health text, such as red.

  • In the Project window, go to the Assets > Scripts folder and find the BulletController.cs file. This is a script that controls the behavior of our bullets.

  • Drag and drop the BulletController.cs file onto the Projectile prefab in the Assets > Prefabs folder. This will add a Bullet Controller component to it.

  • In the Inspector window, adjust the Bullet Controller component of the Projectile prefab. Set the speed, damage, and destroyTime variables according to your preference. These are variables that control how fast, how powerful, and how long our bullets last.

  • In the Hierarchy window, select the DungeonSpawner GameObject and click on the "Spawn Projectiles" button in the inspector. This will spawn some projectiles in our dungeon according to our parameters.

  • Play the game and test your health and damage systems. You should be able to move and shoot with your player, see your health and enemy's health on the screen, and take damage or deal damage when colliding with enemies or projectiles. You should also see your health or enemy's health decrease when taking damage, and your player or enemy die when their health reaches zero.

Best practices for Unity 2D game development

Use proper naming and formatting conventions for your code

One of the best practices for Unity 2D game development is to use proper naming and formatting conventions for your code. This means that you should follow consistent and clear rules for naming your variables, methods, classes, scripts, GameObjects, prefabs, etc. You should also use proper indentation, spacing, comments, and brackets for your code. This will make your code easier to read, understand, debug, and maintain.

Some of the common naming and formatting conventions for Unity 2D game development are:

  • Use camelCase for variables and methods, PascalCase for classes and scripts, and snake_case for GameObjects and prefabs. For example: moveSpeed, Shoot(), PlayerController.cs, enemy_1.

  • Use descriptive and meaningful names that reflect the purpose or function of your code elements. For example: healthText, GenerateDungeon(), bulletDamage.

  • Use singular names for single objects and plural names for collections of objects. For example: enemy, enemies.

  • Use spaces around operators, commas, and semicolons. For example: x + y, (a, b), z;

  • Use indentation to align your code blocks according to their scope. For example:

if (condition) // do something else // do something else

  • Use comments to explain your code logic or functionality. For example: // this method spawns a bullet

  • Use curly brackets to enclose your code blocks even if they are single-line. For example:

if (condition) // do something

Optimize your game performance with profiling tools

Another best practice for Unity 2D game development is to optimize your game performance with profiling tools. Profiling tools are features of Unity that allow you to measure and analyze various aspects of your game performance, such as CPU usage, memory usage, rendering time, frame rate, etc. You can use these tools to identify and fix performance issues that may affect your game quality or user experience.

Some of the common profiling tools for Unity 2D game development are:

  • The Profiler window: This is a window that shows you a detailed breakdown of how your game uses various resources and processes in real time. You can access it by going to Window > Analysis > Profiler or by pressing Ctrl + 7 on your keyboard. You can use it to monitor CPU usage, memory usage, rendering time, frame rate, and more. You can also use it to record and analyze specific frames or sessions of your game.

  • The Frame Debugger window: This is a window that shows you how your game renders each frame in a step-by-step manner. You can access it by going to Window > Analysis > Frame Debugger or by pressing Ctrl + 8 on your keyboard. You can use it to inspect each draw call, shader, material, texture, mesh, and other rendering elements of your game. You can also use it to identify and fix rendering issues, such as overdraw, batching, culling, etc.

  • The Memory Profiler package: This is a package that allows you to inspect and analyze the memory usage and allocation of your game. You can install it by going to Window > Package Manager and searching for "Memory Profiler". You can use it to view the memory snapshot of your game, which shows you the size and type of each memory object in your game. You can also use it to compare different memory snapshots and find memory leaks, fragmentation, duplication, etc.

Test your game on different platforms and devices

Another best practice for Unity 2D game development is to test your game on different platforms and devices. This means that you should ensure that your game works well on various target platforms, such as Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, etc. You should also ensure that your game adapts well to different screen sizes, resolutions, orientations, inputs, etc.

Some of the common ways to test your game on different platforms and devices are:

  • The Build Settings window: This is a window that allows you to configure and build your game for different platforms. You can access it by going to File > Build Settings or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + B on your keyboard. You can use it to select your target platform, change its settings, add or remove scenes from your build, and create an executable file or a package for your game.

  • The Simulator window: This is a window that allows you to simulate how your game will look and behave on different devices. You can access it by going to Window > General > Simulator or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + S on your keyboard. You can use it to select a device model from a list of presets or create a custom one. You can also use it to change the device's screen size, resolution, orientation, input method, etc.

  • The Unity Remote app: This is an app that allows you to stream your game from Unity Editor to your mobile device via USB or Wi-Fi. You can download it from the Google Play Store or the App Store. You can use it to test your game on a real device without building it. You can also use it to get input from your device's sensors, such as accelerometer, gyroscope, touch screen, etc.


In this article, I have shown you how to download a free course that teaches you how to create a 2D dungeon gunner roguelike game using Unity. I have also provided you with some tips and best practices for Unity 2D game development along the way. I hope you have enjoyed this article and learned something new and useful.

If you are interested in learning more about Unity 2D game development or creating other types of games using Unity, I highly recommend you to check out the platform. It is an online learning platform that offers hundreds of free courses, tutorials, projects, and resources on various topics related to Unity. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will find something that suits your needs and interests.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope you have fun creating your own 2D dungeon gunner roguelike game using Unity. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you and help you out.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the course and the game genre:

Q: How long does it take to complete the course?

  • A: The course consists of over 50 hours of video lectures, quizzes, assignments, and projects. However, the actual time it takes to complete the course may vary depending on your pace, experience, and learning style. You can take as much time as you need to learn and practice the concepts and skills taught in the course.

Q: What are the benefits of learning how to create a roguelike game?

  • A: Learning how to create a roguelike game can help you improve your game design and development skills in various ways. For example, you can learn how to use procedural generation algorithms to create dynamic and replayable content, how to implement turn-based gameplay and grid-based movement mechanics, how to balance difficulty and randomness, how to create immersive and atmospheric environments, and more.

Q: What are some examples of popular roguelike games?

  • A: There are many examples of popular roguelike games that you can play and get inspired by. Some of them are: The Binding of Isaac, Spelunky, Enter the Gungeon, Dead Cells, Slay the Spire, Hades, and more.

Q: How can I customize or extend my game after completing the course?

  • A: There are many ways you can customize or extend your game after completing the course. For example, you can add more features and mechanics, such as items, weapons, power-ups, traps, secrets, bosses, etc. You can also change the theme and style of your game, such as sci-fi, fantasy, horror, etc. You can also add more polish and quality to your game, such as sound effects, music, animations, UI elements, etc.

Q: Where can I share or publish my game after completing the course?

  • A: There are many platforms and communities where you can share or publish your game after completing the course. For example, you can upload your game to, Game Jolt, Steam, Google Play Store, App Store, etc. You can also share your game on social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube, etc. You can also join online forums and communities, such as Unity Forum, Reddit, Discord, etc. where you can get feedback, support, and exposure for your game.


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