In Warband, a lady can be asked to talk about herself and her relationship to her lord. The player can also marry ladies who are not already married, can dedicate a tournament to a lady, and can proclaim love to them. Poems can be learned to woo them.
Ladies can offer a quest in which you must defend the honor of the lady and defeat the lord that sullied her name. You must visit that lord and challenge him to a one-on-one duel in the tournament area. If you win, you'll lose a lot of relationship points with the lord and gain a lot with the lady, who also gives you a reward (usually 3000 denars) whether you are victorious or not. You will also gain a point of honor if you accept the reward, two points if you refuse it; you will lose five points if the lord defeats you in the duel.
Mount And Blade Warband Lady Relationship Cheatl
Having a positive relationship with a married lady will allow you to ask them to improve your relationship with a vassal of the faction who currently has a negative relation with you by sending them gifts of 1000-3000 denars, boosting your relationship with them by +1 per 1000 denars.
Every poem is a different type, such as romantic or comedic. Using the right type of poem with a lady will raise their relationship level. But be aware that when you try to recite a poem to a lady, some may find the poem repulsive, reducing your relationship points, while others may find them neutral, changing nothing. You can ask Wandering Poets to see what type of poems a lady likes. There are only a total of five poems in the game.
The alternate way to meet a lady is to go through her family. By raising your relationship with her guardian (either her father or her brother) and asking to "cement the alliance to their house", you may be given permission to start courting his daughter/sister. If you manage to befriend him, he might bring it up himself by hinting she would be delighted if you paid her a visit.
Once your relationship is high enough you may propose, and with the blessing of her family, you may then marry at the next feast held in the land. A minimum of 20 relation points are required to guarantee an accepted proposal, although it is possible (but less likely) for a lady to accept a proposal with a lower relationship. Sometimes she will have another admirer, and you will need to duel him for the claim. 2ff7e9595c