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The Wisdom of Your Face Change Your Life with Chinese Face Reading! A Fascinating Journey into the W


Notions of the relationship between an individual's outward appearance and inner character are historically ancient, and occasionally appear in early Greek poetry. Siddhars from ancient India defined Samudrika Shastra as identifying personal characteristics with body features. Chinese physiognomy or Chinese face reading (mianxiang) reaches back at least to the Spring and Autumn period.[7]

In 2017, a controversial study claimed that an algorithm could detect sexual orientation 'more accurately than humans' (in 81% of the tested cases for men and 71% for women). A director of research of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) accused the study of being "junk science" to the BBC.[33] The director, an 'equity and inclusion strategist' with no scientific background, was criticized by the researchers for "premature judgement". The researchers criticized GLAAD and HRC's press release for falsely stating the paper was not peer reviewed. In early 2018, researchers, among them two specialists of AI working at Google (one of the two on face recognition), issued a reportedly contradicting study based on a survey of 8,000 Americans using Amazon's Mechanical Turk crowd-sourcing platform. The survey yielded many traits helping to discriminate between gay and straight respondents with a series of yes/no questions. These traits had actually less to do with morphology than with grooming, presentation, and lifestyle (makeup, facial hair, glasses, angle of pictures taken of self, etc.).[34] For more information of this sexual orientation issue in general, see gaydar.

The Wisdom of Your Face Change Your Life with Chinese Face Reading!.pdf

Let me not leave you with a false impression. The problem is far from solved. We still have a long, long way to go before the dream of freedom is a reality for the Negro in the United States. To put it figuratively in biblical language, we have left the dusty soils of Egypt and crossed a Red Sea whose waters had for years been hardened by a long and piercing winter of massive resistance. But before we reach the majestic shores of the Promised Land, there is a frustrating and bewildering wilderness ahead. We must still face prodigious hilltops of opposition and gigantic mountains of resistance. But with patient and firm determination we will press on until every valley of despair is exalted to new peaks of hope, until every mountain of pride and irrationality is made low by the leveling process of humility and compassion; until the rough places of injustice are transformed into a smooth plane of equality of opportunity; and until the crooked places of prejudice are transformed by the straightening process of bright-eyed wisdom.

We're all different in how much uncertainty we can tolerate in life. Some people seem to enjoy taking risks and living unpredictable lives, while others find the randomness of life deeply distressing. But all of us have a limit. If you feel overwhelmed by uncertainty and worry, it's important to know that you're not alone; many of us are in the same boat. It's also important to realize that no matter how helpless and hopeless you feel, there are steps you can take to better deal with uncontrollable circumstances, alleviate your anxiety, and face the unknown with more confidence.

When circumstances are out of your control, it's easy to become overwhelmed by fear and negative emotions. You may think that bottling up how you feel, trying to put on a brave face, or forcing yourself to be positive will provide the best outcome. But denying or suppressing your emotions will only increase stress and anxiety and make you more vulnerable to depression or burnout.

Purpose-to-impact plans differ from traditional development plans in several important ways: They start with a statement of leadership purpose rather than of a business or career goal. They take a holistic view of professional and personal life rather than ignore the fact that you have a family or outside interests and commitments. They incorporate meaningful, purpose-infused language to create a document that speaks to you, not just to any person in your job or role. They force you to envision long-term opportunities for living your purpose (three to five years out) and then help you to work backward from there (two years out, one year, six months, three months, 30 days) to set specific goals for achieving them.

The earliest depictions of morphology may be found in three sources: the Sphinx, the first book of Ezekiel, and Genesis. The Sphinx is a creature comprised of a face of a man, the body of an ox, the tail of a lion, and the claws of an eagle. In Ezekiel's journey to inner worlds of reality, he discovers a creature with the faces of the four creatures contained in Sphinx -- a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle. The eagle represents inspiration and rapacity; the lion represents territoriality (king of the jungle) and acquisitiveness; the ox represents stamina and endurance; the man represents knowledge and the realization of all possibilities. Genesis makes a more veiled reference to the same four animal representations when it describes the four rivers that flow from Eden (Euphrates, Pison, Hiddekel, and Gihen).The four beings or creatures of the Sphinx, and of Ezekiel and Genesis, represent the four flows of life force coursing through the human being: bile (man), lymph (ox), blood (lion), electricity (eagle) mentioned above. These four flows are a shorthand description and depiction of what is known as the four temperaments: bilious (man), lymphatic (ox, later replaced by the bull), sanguine (lion), nervous (eagle). According to morphology, these types are invariable throughout the whole of humanity. There are no more or no less than these four types, and they reflect our inborn traits which we bring into life at birth. We are all, each of us on earth, comprised of differing degrees of all four types.Morphology gained credence in Greek medicine through the application of what was called "humoral" medicine, the four humors corresponding to the four temperaments -- bilious, lymphatic, sanguine, and nervous.During the late Middle Ages and into the Renaissance, European medicine was practiced according to morphological and imaginal principles through the predominant medical practice called "complexio" (McMahon, 1976). In this practice the patient was diagnosed according to his/her morphological type, given mental imagery to do with the aim of finding a healing key from an inner source. When the modern alternative allopathic medicine dawned about three hundred fifty to four hundred years ago, it essentially eradicated the traditional medicine of the previous five thousand years, and with it, the morphological system, which was no longer openly taught or used clinically. Instead, it went underground and was taught secretly.In the eighteenth century, a magnificent morphological manuscript appeared written by a Swiss physician, J. K. Lavater (1775). In it we find many precise morphological renderings and detailed descriptions of morphological types. Lavater's work has been preserved, and in the twentieth century France has become the repository of morphological wisdom. The subject is taught in the French medical school system, as part of the department of anatomy and surgery. There are a number of M.D. morphologists in France who are called in as consultants by other physicians to help determine diagnoses and prognoses in difficult cases. There is an international society of morphopsychology in France, which produces a journal, and morphology is used as the major way of selecting people for employment purposes in France.I should point out that there are oriental systems of morphology, most notably the Chinese and Indian. They are used in an integrated fashion in Chinese medical diagnosis and in Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine respectively. But neither system is as extensive as that of Western morphology, my concern here.

In another study, poor teacher-student relationships correlated with a reading achievement gap between African-American and White students, all of whom initially demonstrated below average literacy skills. Specifically, when Hughes and Kwok (2007) studied a group of low achieving readers, they found that first grade children who had poorer relationships with their teachers were less engaged in school and had lower academic achievement in second grade. It is very important to note that Hughes and Kwok found that African-American children had poorer relationships with their teachers than children of other ethnic backgrounds (i.e., Caucasian, Hispanic). This suggests how important it is for teachers to develop the best possible relationship with all students, regardless of their ethnic background. Taken together, such findings suggest that high quality teacher-student relationships can partially compensate for disadvantages in other facets of students' social-emotional lives. 2ff7e9595c

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